Miss Lulu is an amazing three month old now.
She has a smile that lights up the room no matter what.
She is starting to discover her laugh...it's not fully there yet, but working on it.
She talks up a storm to everyone that will listen, and to many that don't listen.
She is very actively trying to sit up, stand, and roll from her belly to back.
(She almost does have the rolling down, she's about 3/4 of the way over and just can not seem to get that last little bit of it.)
Here Lulu is wearing a dress, from my childhood, to Church today.
She has a smile that lights up the room no matter what.
She is starting to discover her laugh...it's not fully there yet, but working on it.
She talks up a storm to everyone that will listen, and to many that don't listen.
She is very actively trying to sit up, stand, and roll from her belly to back.
(She almost does have the rolling down, she's about 3/4 of the way over and just can not seem to get that last little bit of it.)
Here Lulu is wearing a dress, from my childhood, to Church today.
(check out this drool action from the mouth to the thumb.)
Oh my that is a cute baby! Sounds like she just wants to get up and go! Tell her to stop it! Babies grow too fast!