
Llama Wanderings

Monday, July 5, 2010

Swimming Lessons

The YMCAs down/up this way put on a week long swim lesson for kids to get a jump start on lessons and pool/water safety for the summer. And the best part for the parent's pocket? It's only $10 for 5, 1/2 hour lessons! :D

First Day, getting ready to leave, in her Tinkerbell gloriousness.

Second day; I decided not to take photos during the first day craziness. Second Day, in the Nemo gloriousness. Strike a pose girl!
She is such a 'girl!' The other three are laying flat out just fine, and ours has her feet up like the pretty princess that she is. Cracked me up!
On the second day, she floated just fine on her back going to the rope.
Coming back from the rope, on the same trip, was not as much fun. She has a thing about putting her ears in, so she's not holding on to the float anymore and is holding her ears. Too funny. Silly Girl.
Jumping in, she did go fully under a couple of times this week when jumping in. But usually it was only to her chin, which is fine considering it's her first lessons. What I really liked was if the kids got unexpected water in their faces or went under more than they expected the teacher taught them just to shake off the water from their faces and to move on. Great lesson!
Millikins and her teacher 'MO' and the picture she colored for her teacher, Last day of lessons
Millikins went this far under all by herself! I was so excited to see this progress. :D
I think we have traded in Millikins for a water dog. For 1/2 of the last lesson her tongue was always hanging out. Silly kid.

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